During my second semester of graduate school at Boston University, I took a hybrid class/internship. Me and a group of five other designers worked through the semester to create a poster series to advertise the play Representation And How To Get It, premiering at the Boston Playwrights’ Theater in September 2020. The play is about historical figure Julia Ward Howe and her life as a feminist in the 1800s, with themes of feminism past and present. She “speaks” to feminist icons throughout the years and break the 4th wall with the audience to discuss feminism in the 21st century. We worked with real clients: the lead actress, Elaine Vaan Hogue, the woman who wrote the play, Joyce Van Dyke, and the director of the play, Judy Braha. They provided feedback through multiple iterations and collaborated beautifully with us to come to the final outcome. These final posters are unfortunately not the ones they went with, but they were the runners up. Each person in the group did their own iterations, all of these examples are mine. The group, including myself, helped refine the final chosen poster and are still presently working with these women to make updates and provide different formats for advertising, including a possible website and things for their plans to tour the show.